We are over the moon to be able to play a small role in history! Thank you @brycedhoward@durablegoods and the @known.isteam for this amazing opportunity. Edited by @stevegandolfi, for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to go on the first-ever civilian mission to space simply make a donation to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and you will be entered into the drawing. With the goal of raising as much money for @stjudeas possible, the @inspiration4 mission itself is a representation of just how far inspiration can take you.
Director: Bryce Dallas Howard (@brycedhoward)
Production Co: Durable Goods (@durablegoods)
Agency: Known (@known.is)
CD: Ken Slater (@thereisreason)
CD: Rich Ford (@richcford)
Producer: Diego Espana
Producer: Michael Koerbel (@mkoerbel)
Editor: Steve Gandolfi (@stevegandolfi)
VFX / Finishing: Jogger (@jogger.studios)
Inspiration 4 The Suit