Converse Made By You

February 2017

This just-released film for Converse via Anomaly celebrates Chuck Taylor wearers from around the globe: The young, the old, the artists, the musicians, the actors, the nerds, the nobodies, the up-and-comers, even the famous. Their Chucks are a part of who they are. Every scuff, stain and doodle all help shape their story. To craft this unique story, directors We Are From LA shot in three different cities around the world: London, Los Angeles and Shanghai. From this wealth of incredible footage and audio interviews was selected personal, funny or naturally inspirational stories or philosophies that connected with the concept of ‘Made by you’.

“Everyone on the team wanted this to feel bold but not preachy. We wanted to create something that gave insight into real converse-wearers, with a certain rhythm and energy that represented the sort of people who wear Chucks – from metalheads in London; to street artists in Los Angeles (the legendary graffiti artist ‘futura’ is featured in the spot), to tattooists in China and even psychedelic garage rock star King Tuff. These people all opened up for something like Converse, and many stories made us laugh as well as cry. It really shows the imprint Converse has had on such a wide range of people.”


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