Having worked wonders for the Royal Navy in recent times, WCRS look to the skies as the Royal Air Force aim to persuade capable youngsters that a vocation with a difference awaits.
This pacey launch film follows nineteen-year-old Ellie as she transforms her prospects from the ground up. It’s no 9-5 job she’s signed up for – instead, she’s on the go by day and by night, working under natural and fluorescent light, developing both her mind and her muscles… it’s a formidable working environment, but a skyward glance is enough to remind her and her colleagues what the effort is all about.
It’s a compelling portrayal of a life in perpetual motion both on the ground and in the air. A subtle thump to the soundtrack keeps things ticking nicely, while the visuals oscillate between the intimate and the high-octane thanks to the brisk edit. A well-crafted call to those looking to go up, up, and up in the world.
Directed by Jack Driscoll through Park Village.