Inspired by the heavily-neon, urban aesthetic of Blade Runner, Director Alex Southam has created a world of city nightscapes for Snakehips’s track Cruel, featuring a performance by ex-One Direction singer Zayn. With fluorescent lighting throughout, we discover a new world that is still in keeping with Snakehip’s previous night-time promo visuals.
Capturing Zayn’s characteristically cool performance, the video boasts some warped, distorted post-production trickery and wicked, winding camera movement. Stylish and bold, it focuses on a central tracking move whereby the camera appears to track seamlessly forward passing through CCTV camera to apartment to alleyway – cop car to nightclub.
The new promo is visually engaging with a steamy modern feel. Trust us. It’s hot. Directed by Alex Southam through London Alley.