Eric Argiro

Q+A with Eric

My hero is: The late great Jeffrey Metzner, my professor and mentor at SVA. After an amazingly successful career in advertising as an agency ECD then Director, he decided to teach kids in what was the new, cutting-edge field of motion design while in his late 60s. He’s inspired generations of artists. There’s little doubt that without him I’d be cutting lawns today.

I am inspired by: 80s montages.

I became an editor because: Hundreds of creative hours have been collectively poured into an idea by a team of people and you’re handed the culmination of all of it in your dailies. Now you’re alone in your edit suite. You shut the world out, drink lots of coffee, and wait for inspiration. Each time you’re terrified, but as you select the footage, ideas start exploding. You get to make all these choices big and little. Exhilaration kills fear and your vision forms. You sweat and toil, and If you’re lucky, you create a first cut that is perfectly unique to you. You’ve stood on the shoulders of all those people, added your voice to the collaboration, and left your fingerprints on it forever.
…and you get to wear shorts to work.

Most people don’t know that I like: Phish

When I am not editing I am: Chasing my two sons around.

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